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Where I work, we use Azure Artifacts extensively to store our Python packages. It works great. It allows us to easily maintain copies of public packages we depend on (which helps prevent any “left-pad” scenarios, and keeps our cybersecurity team happy), and publish and distribute our own internal packages. However, it’s kind of slow. This is probably due to the proxying it does to public package indexes, along with all of the authentication and authorization it does. Sometimes, our CI/CD jobs with a lot of dependencies would take 2-3 minutes alone just to install the Python packages. In an attempt to speed things up, we enabled caching to not need to constantly re-download packages. However, this didn’t really seem to work. pip install would still constantly re-redownload packages it should have had cached.


To understand why caching with Azure Artifacts doesn’t work, we first need to understand how pip caches packages. When you run python -m pip install <package>, pip doesn’t cache the file(s) that it downloads, rather, it caches the HTTP response of the URL it was given to download the package at. So for example, if you do python -m pip install requests, pip asks for the latest version of the package requests. then responds with a URL something like pip then caches that URL and the response it gets from it.

So, why does Azure Artifacts break this? Well Azure Artifacts stores its files in Azure Blob Storage, understandably. As these files are not public, whenever Azure Artifacts returns the URL for a package file to download, it includes a temporary access token that allows pip to download the file for a short period of time. For example, pip would get a URL roughly like This is the crux of the problem. More or less, every time pip tries to get a package from Azure Artifacts, it’s given a different URL every single time, as the token changes, which renders the local cache useless.


The solution to this is to have pip first download the packages it needs, and then install them only from that directory, effectively caching the package files rather than the package URLs.

1set -e
3mkdir -p $PIP_CACHE_DIR
5python -m pip install pip wheel --upgrade
6python -m pip wheel --find-links=$PIP_CACHE_DIR --wheel-dir=$PIP_CACHE_DIR <packages>
7python -m pip install --find-links=$PIP_CACHE_DIR --no-index <packages>

The pip wheel command downloads the given packages and creates .whl files for them in the directory given by --wheel-dir. Most packages these days are distributed as wheels, but for any packages that only provide distributions, this will generate a wheel file locally.

Additionally, the --find-links option tells pip to also look for packages in the given directory. In our case, we want that to be the directory we’re saving wheels to. This helps prevent downloading packages we already have.

Then, the pip install command installs packages from the directory the wheels were saved to, and the --no-index parameter tells pip not to use an index to find packages (as it should already have everything it needs locally).

Lastly, the environment variable PIP_CACHE_DIR is what pip already uses to determine where to cache stuff, so by using this, we can also leverage whatever cache of pip’s that actually works.

With this script however, you do need to be a bit careful. If you do not provide exact versions of packages you want, you may get local packages that are older than the latest versions available (though you should be pinning your version numbers anyways).

An example implementation for Azure Pipelines:

 1- task: Cache@2
 2  inputs:
 3    key: 'python | "$(Agent.OS)" | **/requirements**.txt'
 4    restoreKeys: |
 5      python | "$(Agent.OS)"
 6      python      
 7    path: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/.pip
 8  displayName: Cache pip packages
10- task: Bash@3
11  inputs:
12    targetType: inline
13    script: |
14      <insert script here>      
15  env:
16    PIP_CACHE_DIR: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/.pip
17  displayName: Install pip packages

With Azure Pipelines as well, you can easily set up a reusable template for this that you can use across your organization.

An example implementation for GitHub Actions:

 1- name: Cache pip packages
 2  uses: actions/cache@v2
 3  with:
 4    path: ${{ runner.temp }}/.pip
 5    key: python-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/requirements**.txt') }}
 6    restore-keys: |
 7      python-${{ runner.os }}
 8      python      
10- name: Install pip packages
11  shell: bash
12  run: |
13    <insert script here>    
14  env:
15    PIP_CACHE_DIR: ${{ runner.temp }}/.pip

At the time of writing, GitHub Actions doesn’t really support templates like Azure Pipelines does.